Over a million Americans are living with brain tumors. There are over 100 different types of brain tumors each with its own distinct symptoms, treatments and outcomes. Brain tumors have a long-lasting, life altering effect on an individual’s physical, cognitive and psychological well-being. Brain tumor survival rates have remained low over the past years, even as survival rates for other tumors have increased.

Brain tumors are rarely talked about until it’s time to understand the symptoms and conditions. In celebration of brain tumor awareness day, we will discuss the facts and symptoms of brain tumors.

First off, let’s get our facts straight.

  1. Brain tumors are cancers that develop in the brain, presently affecting over 1 million Americans.
  2. Approximately 81% of all primary brain tumors occur in the adult population.
  3. Brain tumors are the 7th most common tumor type and the 6th most common cause of cancer related death among persons aged 40 years and above.
  4. Over 50% of primary brain tumors are diagnosed in females.
  5. Approximately 72% of all brain tumors are benign, which means a non-cancerous growth.

Just like most conditions, detecting brain tumors at an early stage is vital for treatment and survival. Let’s explore what some of these early signs may look like. It is important to note that signs and symptoms of brain tumors may differ depending on the size and location of the tumor. The symptoms of brain tumors may include:

  • Headaches: severe headaches at night or when waking up in the morning may be a sign of brain tumor.
  • Vision issues: loss of sight or double vision may be a sign of a brain tumor, this occurs when the tumor exerts pressure on the optic nerve or grows on the brain stem.
  • Personality changes: when tumors press on the brain or cause the brain to swell, it may lead to mood swings and changes in personality.
  • Seizures: this is the most common early symptom of brain tumors amongst adults. However, seizures occur for a multitude of reasons.
  • Weakness or paralysis: tumors that occur in the frontal lobe, a part of the brain. May lead to weakness or partial paralysis of the body. Such an individual may need assistance with their daily living activities to preserve their strength and prevent frequent falls. 

Having any or all of the symptoms listed is not a diagnosis for brain tumor. If you have any suspicion, visit a medical professional for a proper diagnosis. 

If you or a loved one  living with a brain tumor or any other life threatening condition needs home care and other assistance with daily living activities, visit Vitalis Home Healthcare today. With our team of licensed and professional nurses and care aides, your needs are guaranteed to be taken care of. 

Not sure how this process works? Contact us immediately. One of our Client Care Coordinators is available to chat with you and match you with the most appropriate service for your needs.

Phone Number: 240.716.6874


Location: We provide our services in every county in the State of Maryland, United States of America.

Office Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue Suite 440 Silver Spring, MD 2091