World First-aid day is an annual global event that promotes the importance of first aid in saving lives. The event aims to create awareness about basic first aid techniques, in order to educate people on what to do during medical emergencies.

Each year, the world first aid day has a theme, and the theme for this year 2024 is “First Aid in the Digital World”. The theme aims to highlight the role technology has played in creating awareness and educating people on the importance of first aid. From blog contents, to YouTube videos and online courses. There are many sources dedicated towards teaching people basic first aid techniques. Technology contributes in promoting one of the main aims of world first aid day— making first aid accessible to everyone.

You can join the train and celebrate world first aid day by learning some first aid skills, which we’ll be highlighting below;

  • CPR: CPR is arguably the most well known and most important first aid skill. CPR is short for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, it provides artificial ventilation with the goal of preserving blood circulation, brain function and breathing. The first step is to call 911, or have someone else call as you take immediate action. The basic CPR technique is the “hands-only” CPR.
  • Stop the Bleeding: In a situation where someone is excessively bleeding, it’s important to stop the bleeding, as excessive blood loss could lead to loss of life. The injured person might be bleeding from the main vein or artery, which could lead to a bleed out in 10-15 minutes. The tourniquet (a device that stops the flow of blood through the artery) is extremely helpful in emergency situations. Nevertheless, there are some device free bleeding control techniques you can learn.
  • Support a sprain: Sprains are common injuries characterized by the stretching or tearing of ligaments. A sprained joint should be wrapped with bandage and elevated before a medical professional can examine it. The best treatment for sprains is usually the R.I.C.E technique. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Sprains could cause long-term tissue and cartilage damage if not taken care of properly.
  • Seizures: Seizures are sudden and uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in the brain, causing changes in behavior, movements and consciousness. If someone is having a seizure, trying to hold them still may cause serious damages and injuries. Instead, you should remove any harmful objects nearby, cushion their head, and put them in a recovery position(turn them in their side). When the seizure subsides, do not try to move them, give them food or water instead.

The first and most important step for every emergency situation is to ensure you or someone around puts a call through to 911 before or as you attempt to administer first aid.

Additionally, in the digital world it is important to verify your information, ensuring you get them from credible sources. Below are some trusted sources you can acquire basic first aid training today.

  1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  2. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
  3. Indiana Department of Education 
  4. American Red Cross Training Services 

Learning basic first aid skills significantly contributes to increasing the survival odds of your loved ones during emergency situations. Let’s honor World First Aid Day this year by leveraging technology to acquire basic first aid skills.

At Vitalis Healthcare, we are dedicated towards providing quality and compassionate home care services. Our team of experienced registered nurses and professional caregivers are constantly and efficiently trained to provide the best quality care to our patients.

If you or your loved one is in need of professional home care services, contact us today!

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Location: We provide our services in every county in the State of Maryland, United States of America.

Office Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue Suite 440 Silver Spring, MD 20910

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