The ‘World Rabies Day’ is on 28th September, a day celebrated to raise awareness about rabies prevention and highlight the progress made in defeating the horrible disease. September 28th also marks the anniversary of Louis Pasteur’s death, a French microbiologist and chemist who developed the first rabies vaccine.

Rabies is a deadly virus that spreads to people from the saliva of contaminated animals, which is usually transmitted through a bite. In the United States, animals most likely to transmit rabies are; raccoons, bats, skunks, coyotes and stray animals. The disease nearly always causes death. Hence, it is advised that anyone at risk of contracting rabies get vaccinated.

The “health for one, health for all” is an approach that recognizes that the health of humans is closely related to the health of animals and our shared environment. It aims to highlight the diseases that exist in our ecosystem and create awareness about preventive practices.

In the United States, around 4,000 animal rabies cases are reported each year. Although, the rate of human death from rabies has significantly decreased from 100 deaths annually,  to fewer than 10 deaths annually. This is largely attributed to the rabies awareness that has been created over the years, vaccination of pets and animal control programs. Hence, it is vital that we continuously inform people about rabies, its symptoms, prevention and treatment options.


The early symptoms of rabies may resemble that of a flu and last for days. Some other symptoms of rabies include;

  • Fever
  • Headache 
  • Anxiety 
  • Confusion 
  • Hyperactivity 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Partial paralysis 

Ideally, immediately you’re bitten by an animal or exposed to animals suspected of having rabies, you should seek immediate medical attention even before the symptoms manifest. 


The following measures can be used to reduce the risk of rabies;

  • Vaccinate your pets: Cats, dogs, ferrets and any pet with a possibility of developing rabies can and should be vaccinated. 
  • Keep your pets confined: Letting your pets roam around unsupervised is not a cool pet parent move. Ensure you keep your pets inside, and supervised whenever they’re outside, this reduces their risk of coming in contact with wild animals.
  • Report stray animals to local authorities: Call your animal control or other law officials to report stray animals, including dogs and cats.
  • Do not approach wild animals: No matter how cute and cuddly they look, do not approach wild animals when you see them. Wild animals with rabies may seem friendly and unafraid of people.
  • Take the rabies vaccine: Consider the rabies vaccine if you’re traveling to countries where rabies is common, or typically around animals that may have rabies. Consult your doctor on whether you should take the rabies vaccine or not.

The aim of world rabies day is to create awareness about rabies and prevent it from occurring. But, in cases where rabies has already occurred, there are a series of shots that could prevent the rabies virus from affecting bitten individuals.

  • Rabies immune globulin: it is a fast acting shot that prevents the virus from infecting the bitten individual. This is given to people who haven’t received the rabies vaccine, near the area where the animal bit, and as soon as possible after the bite occurred.
  • A series of rabies vaccination: another treatment option is to administer a series of rabies vaccines, to help the body learn to identify and fight the rabies virus. Rabies vaccination is given as an injection on the arm.

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